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  • Writer's pictureBradley Bell

Moving Upstream: July 2024 Newsletter

Not into reading? Check out some of my Instagram reels from this month instead.

From Africa to Louisville (and Back!)

As you may know, our journey to Louisville came by way of east Africa. We only expected to be here for one year! The Lord, however, had other plans. Thus Africa has never left my heart. That's why I was delighted this past month to find an Ethiopian co-author, my friend Robera Adugna, for an upcoming Upstream book titled, Pentecost and Missions: A 50-Day Devotional. Also in July I was able to confirm trip plans in November to visit an Upstream cohort of missions pastors in Cameroon (as well as a leg of the trip in the UK). Thanks be to God!

From Louisville to Dallas-Fort Worth

Another big part of July was a week-long trip to the Dallas-Fort Worth area. What brought me to town was speaking at two events of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. What kept me busy in between those events was spending time with numerous local church missions leaders and their staff. Let's be honest—it was exhausting (for Katie back home too!). But we trust that the fruit from such ministry is worth the sacrifice. Here are some of the main topics I taught about:

  • How to lead your church to be on mission without getting overwhelmed

  • How to use a new eight-part intro to missions video series taughted by myself and Nathan Sloan

  • How to develop a sending culture in your entire church rather than just a missions ministry

  • How an entire church staff can catch a vision for sending that impacts each ministry

Pictured (left to right): teaching a breakout session at SBTC's Equip Conference, with SBTC's missions mobilization leader Colin Rayburn, recording a podcast episode with pastors from Restoration Church

Bringing Summer to a Close

Katie is planning to kick off homeschool next week, and that means summer is almost over. But it's been a fun one! Slower ministry allows for more activities with the girls. Check out the pictures below for some of our adventures.

Pictured (left to right): my first Daddy-daughter date with Madeleine, drinks at Quills after visiting Blackacre Farm, riding bikes at Beckley Creek

Join Us in Prayer

Thanks to your prayers my trip to Dallas-Fort Worth was a success, and the Lord sustained me in the work there and Katie in the work back home. For this month, here are three ways you can be "fellow workers" with us (3 John 8):

  • For a strategic Upstream team retreat in Raleigh, North Carolina. Most of Upstream's staff are part-time and remote workers, so it's rare for us to meet together. Later this month I'll be traveling to Raleigh, North Carolina for a short retreat with three Upstream team members. Pray that we use the time well in building relationships and strategizing for the future.

  • For the final launch of our next Upstream book, The Sending Church Applied. It's been a long journey to finish this four-author project (myself, Larry McCrary, Nathan Sloan, and Mike Easton). Getting the book published is only the beginning—next we have to promote it. Pray we spread the word well so this book blesses many churches!

  • For preparation for an insanely busy month of ministry in September. Next month I'll be leading two cohorts (one in Louisville and one in Seattle), speaking at a Missio Nexus' missions leader conference, and traveling by train from Chicago to Seattle to San Fransisco and back to Chicago. Pray that I prepare well this month so September is not too stressful.

As always, thanks for your support!


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